Hi, my name is

Mandip Singh

I build things for the web.

I’m a Front-end developer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) web contents. Currently, I’m focused on building accessible, human-centered products as an open-source developer.

01. About Me

Hello! My name is Mandip and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2019 when I decided to try editing custom web pages — it turns out that hacking together a custom reblog button and some CSS attributes taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve had the privilege of working at an advertising startup, a software dev start-up, and a student-led design in my college. My main focus these days is building accessible, inclusive products and digital experiences for various clients.

02. Few technologies I’ve been working with recently










Express Js










03. Where I’ve Worked
  • Zummit Infolab
  • Funding X
Jr. Web Developer [ Intern ] @ Zummit Infolab
September - December 2021
  • Worked with a core team of five designers to build a marketing website, HRMS( HR Management System ) and e-commerce platform for clients, an ambitious startup originating from Banglore.
  • Learning Fullstack tech. and frameworks like ReactJs, ExpressJS, RESTApi, etc. for client's requirements.
  • Made some changes in their existing projects and fixed some bugs.
  • Certificate Letter Of Recommendation
FrontEnd Developer [ Intern ] @ Funding X
March - May 2021
  • Worked with their frontend developer team of 4-5 members to create various webapp components (using React) for their own requirements.
  • Worked with various open-source tools like Postman, RestAPI, Redux, React Axios etc for data connections and state management process in their app.
  • Make some basic styling changes in their existing projects and fix some cool bugs.
  • Certificate
04. Some Things I’ve Built
Featured Project
Potato [ Front-end ]
Potato is an OTT platform that serves Anime as content. Users can watch different anime content On this platform based on genres, like Horror, comedy, action, etc. currently this web app has in its initial stage which may have bugs, so feel free to contribute to this app to make it better.
  • ReactJs
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • React-Router-Dom
  • etc.
Featured Project
Potato [ Back-End ]
Potato-backend is an admin dashboard and an API service that connects the database to the app (Front-End App). Admin can upload, edit, delete and update data using this admin dashboard.
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • HBS
  • etc.
Featured Project
KryptoTyms is a Chrome extension app that help you to get the lattest values of crypto currency.
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Manifest-JSON
  • Free API
Featured Project
Open Text Global
Open Text Global is an open source web chat app where you can chat freely to any one globally.
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • Socket.IO
  • HBS
  • etc.
04. Whats's Next?

Get In Touch

Currently, I’m looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!

Say Hello !
Designed & Built by Mandip Singh ❤️
